New builds in Poland
Location, climate and the state of the economy
Poland (Republic of Poland) is located in Central Europe, in the north it is bordered by the Baltic Sea. The country is a member of the EU and NATO. The climate varies from oceanic in the northwest to continental in the southeast; in the region of the Sudetes and the Carpathians it is mountainous.
Economic growth has been stable over the past 30 years, which is the best result among the EU countries. Developed industries are: metallurgical, chemical, machine-building, production of cement, porcelain, clothing, sporting goods, furniture. In agriculture: meat, dairy, fish products, honey, vegetables are produced, apples, strawberries, raspberries, and currants are exported. The most important source of income is tourism, which contributes to the development of the service sector.
New build market in Poland
The primary housing market continues to grow, residential complexes in Poland are being built quickly. Customer reviews confirm compliance with European building standards. The most actively sold apartments are in the six largest cities of the country: Warsaw, Wroclaw, Krakow, Poznan, Lodz and the Tricity. However, there are fewer housing complexes started, the reduction is caused by the shortage and rise in the cost of building materials due to disruption of supply chains, and growing inflation. Some developers are forced to suspend new projects. In this regard, experts predict some imbalance between growing demand and limited supply in the near future. Considering that pent-up demand is still being stimulated by migrants arriving in the country, citizens of the country purchasing through mortgage lending, prices are increasing. Apartments in the new builds for sale in Poland have risen in price in 2022 compared to the previous one by 17%. It is expedient for investors to buy an apartment from a developer in Poland right now. It is profitable to purchase directly at the initial stages of construction, when developers are trying to attract buyers by offering various promotions, installments, discounts. The GEOLN.COM real estate website (with a convenient search interface) contains a full catalog of objects for sale.
Prices for new builds for sale in Poland
The lowest cost of real estate in Poland per 1 sq.m.
- Warsaw - 640 USD,
- Wroclaw - 790 USD,
- Poznan – 800 USD,
- Krakow - 1100 USD,
- Lodz - 1140 USD.
It is necessary to take into account the dynamics of price changes, so it is advisable to use only information that is relevant at the time of the request.
Real estate in Poland in the new homes (types)
Residential - apartments, apartments (including duplexes, penthouses), villas, townhouses.
Commercial - hotels, cafes, restaurants, offices, production and storage facilities, etc.
The nuances of buying real estate in a new homes for sale
Before buying an apartment in Poland in a new development, you should pay attention to the security of payments and the choice of a developer. The Law "On the protection of the rights of buyers of apartments and private houses" takes into account the interests of the buyer of an apartment from a developer in Poland. In accordance with its terms, you can choose one of four payment methods to ensure the safety of funds:
- closed trust account
- open trust account with an insurance guarantee,
- open trust account with a bank guarantee,
- open trust account.
If the account is closed, then the client's funds can be credited to the developer's account only after signing a notary deed on the transfer of ownership, if the account is open, the bank credits funds as the project stages are completed. Reliable protection is insurance, bank guarantee. The law pays great attention to the obligation of the developer to provide the buyer with an information prospectus, which contains full information about the developer and information about investments. The obligations of the developer include familiarization of the buyer, at his request, with an extract from the real estate register, an extract from the National Court Register, with a certificate of entry into the Central Register of Economic Entities.
Real estate from a developer in Poland is a profitable investment for obtaining a stable rental income, living in a country with a developed economy, a high standard of living, a comfortable climate and beautiful nature.
Off-plan property and other buildings in cities in Poland
in Bialystok
in Bielsko-Biala
in Brodnica
in Bydgoszcz
in Chorzow
in Ciechanow
in Dziwnow
in Elblag
in Elk
in Gdansk
in Gdynia
in Gizycko
in Gliwice
in Gorzow Wielkopolski
in Grudziadz
in Katowice
in Kielce
in Kolobrzeg
in Krakow
in Kwidzyn
in Lodz
in Lublin
in Makow Mazowiecki
in Malbork
in Miedzyzdroje
in Minsk Mazowiecki
in Mogilany
in Myslenice
in Niepolomice
in Olsztyn
in Ozarow Mazowiecki
in Piaseczno
in Piastow
in Pisz
in Pobiedziska
in Pobierowo
in Poznan
in Pruszcz Gdanski
in Pruszkow
in Przasnysz
in Pulawy
in Radom
in Reda
in Rumia
in Rzeszow
in Serock
in Siedlce
in Siemianowice Slaskie
in Siewierz
in Skawina
in Sokolow Podlaski
in Sopot
in Sosnowiec
in Suwalki
in Swidnik
in Swinoujscie
in Szczecin
in Tarnobrzeg
in Tomaszow Mazowiecki
in torun
in Tychy
in Warsaw
in Wegorzewo
in Wieliczka
in Wladyslawowo
in Wloclawek
in Wolomin
in Wroclaw
in Zabrze
in Zakopane
in Zielona Gora
in Zukowo
in Zyrardow