Trend of purchasing real estate in Batumi for life, business and investment

More and more people from different countries are buying real estate for themselves for leisure and for business.
Published at 03/02/2020

Today in the review we will tell you why Batumi is developing at such a rapid pace. The first reason for the development of the city of Batumi is rapidly developing tourism. Batumi today is a city of skyscrapers. Many people compare it to Dubai, Las Vegas, and Miami. This is a city with a population of 200,000, where the world's largest hotels are located: Sheraton, Hilton, Radisson, Kempinsky, Marriot, Wyndham, LA Meridian. Such global brands, before investing hundreds of millions of dollars, always study the market and calculate the return on investment. The fact that such brands have decided to invest in Batumi is a clear indication of the city's prospects.

Trend of purchasing real estate in Batumi for life, business and investment — Advices from experts and reviews of real estate on GEOLN.COM. Photo 1

Many leading agencies, major tour operators and specialized publications in the world, such as AIRBNB, NEW YORK TIMES, FORBES, NATIONAL Geographic's call Batumi one of the most promising destinations and recommend it to visit. According to the UN world tourism organization, Georgia ranks 4th in terms of tourism growth in the world. The flow of tourists to Batumi has increased by more than 40% over the past 2 years. For example, in 2015, 5 million people visited Batumi, and in 2018, almost 10 million, which is almost 2 times more than the country's population. International experts agree that this growth will continue. Every year more and more tourists come from all over the world, including from Russia. Many of them buy apartments by the sea and Batumi is becoming a real trend of foreign real estate.

Alternative options for buying real estate by the sea: Turkey, Greece, Spain, Italy, Cyprus, Montenegro, Bulgaria. What does Batumi benefit from?

Each country has its own advantages. Such a number of advantages as there are in Batumi is difficult to note in any other country. When choosing a profitable property, there are two key factors that a professional investor takes into account – the first is how real estate prices grow, and the second is how much income the investor receives.

According to the consolidated opinion of international experts, Batumi is one of the top 3 cities in the world. In Georgia and Europe, the cost of renting a hotel apartment is approximately the same. Often in Georgia, even higher than in some European countries, while the purchase price in Georgia is 2-3 times lower than in Europe.

Thus, the level of profitability in Georgia is 2-3 times higher, respectively. The advantage of real estate in Georgia is that there is no tax on registration of real estate, and there is no tax on the ownership of the real estate. Earlier we considered the prospects of owning your own real estate by the sea. It is also worth adding a low tax burden and business prospects. When opening an LLC - 20% income tax, with the status of small business 1%, with micro business 0%. Thanks to these factors, Georgia has become one of the most popular countries in the world in the field of foreign real estate.

Trend of purchasing real estate in Batumi for life, business and investment — Advices from experts and reviews of real estate on GEOLN.COM. Photo 2It is also worth noting that in the rating of NUMBEO, the most authoritative organization in the world that studies security ratings, Georgia is in first place in Europe for safety and 6 in the world, after Qatar, Japan, the OAU, Taiwan, and Hong Kong. In Georgia, prices for life, recreation and entertainment are 3-4 times lower than in Europe.

Georgian hospitality is a separate history and cultural feature of the Georgian people. Georgia is an incredibly hospitable and generous country. Additional factors that define Georgia as a country for business and investment are the absence of a language barrier, visa-free regime for Russia and 93 other countries, geographical accessibility – the flight time from Moscow is 2 hours, the mild sunny climate and of course the sea. In July, the water temperature reaches + 28 degrees. Additional advantages of Georgia as a country for investment we considered in the publication-7 reasons to invest in Georgia.

Trend of purchasing real estate in Batumi for life, business and investment — Advices from experts and reviews of real estate on GEOLN.COM. Photo 3

It is worth noting that Georgia is famous for year-round tourism, a distinctive natural feature-4 climate zones. Batumi is not only the sea. It is also the mountains and mild subtropical climate. Compared to other countries that we mentioned earlier, Georgia has a huge number of advantages that are difficult to find in such a symbiosis in other countries.

The main advantages and benefits that a buyer of real estate in Georgia receives are

1) Earnings on real estate growth in Georgia.

2) apartment owners receive a stable income.

3) your own holiday cottage on the Black Sea coast in the rapidly developing resort city of Batumi.

How to buy apartments in Batumi?

Previously we considered the possibilities of the real estate search service as a functional tool for searching and purchasing verified real estate. We want to draw your attention to the service - "tour of new buildings", which is regularly carried out by the company GEOLN.COM

Trend of purchasing real estate in Batumi for life, business and investment — Advices from experts and reviews of real estate on GEOLN.COM. Photo 4

A distinctive feature of the tour is that you automatically select objects to view in the tour, order personal certificates for purchase and see those objects that interest you most. You are not limited to choosing one developer but can choose any project you like from the search list. The recreation program, the excursion program, and the program for visiting new buildings are automatically included in the tour program of new buildings. Transfer and accommodation are included in the price of the tour.

Pay attention to the exclusive service-100% cashback (refund) for flights to Georgia, for customers who choose any of the tour formats. For more information about how to get a cashback, please follow the link 

For clients who want to purchase real estate and do not participate in the recreation program, there is an info tour and an online tour. Info tour is suitable for clients who are only interested in viewing real estate, without the participation of the investor in the tour and gastronomic part of the tour. The online tour is an excellent solution for remote real estate acquisition. You view new buildings online, and you can make a transaction remotely, without visiting the city. 

To complete transactions, we recommend that you use the following services of - legal support of the transaction and the tour program of new buildings.

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Diana Kabakci

The leading expert of the real estate market in Georgia
Education: MBA
Sphere: Real estate / Investments / Lawyer
Consultations made: 250
Expert on countries: Cyprus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Poland
Known languages: Russian / Georgian / English / Turkish
Experience: 17 years
Expert publications: 681