Choose the right evaluation method

If you intend to sell your property and want to know how to determine the price of an apartment, this can be done in several ways. If you do not have time, you can enlist the help of an independent appraiser. The homeowner can also conduct a home appraisal.
Option one: ask a professional

How to find out the price of your apartment? You can order a service from a specialist. The appraiser will make the necessary calculations and issue a report, which will indicate the amount in which the housing is valued, as well as its justification. The service costs money and can take from several hours to days - the urgency of the assessment depends on the additional payment.
Option two: set the price yourself

The method of calculating the price when selling an apartment is simple. To determine the amount that will be indicated in the ad, look online for similar offers on the secondary housing market. First of all, consider where the object is located: in residential areas - the prices are cheaper, in the center, historical parts and on the coastline - more expensive. In addition, a view apartment costs 5-15% more than a regular one, but ask for less for the first floor. Other parameters are also important:
- the proximity to the shops, pharmacies, shopping malls, kindergartens, schools, transport stops - that is, how comfortable and thought out the external infrastructure is;
- the technical condition of the building and utilities, the quality of the building materials that were used (the cost of living space in the old fund is lower);
- the number of “squares” and rooms in the apartment: housing with a large number of rooms is more expensive;
- whether repairs have been made and at what level - designer renovations can add up to half the price;
- The "stuffing" of household appliances and furniture will also add value to the housing for buyers.
Consider possible bargaining

How to determine the cost of an apartment if you allow bidding? If you intend to give in to the buyer, you can pre-deposit this percentage in the final amount.
Remember that it is important to include in the monitoring real estate objects that were put up for sale no later than a month ago - real estate prices fluctuate, and such a time interval will give the most accurate idea of the current value.
If not a single investor has contacted you in two weeks, most likely the amount is overstated, and if there is no end to them, it is underestimated. In this case, the price should be adjusted.
- To find out the cost of an apartment for sale and set the optimal price is the key to a profitable and quick sale of real estate, since the amount affects the number of investors;
- It is necessary to find out the average price on the market to avoid reducing the "price tag" of the object by lowering expectations from its profit, and overestimating it, thus weeding out the number of requests. Monitor it, taking into account the location of housing, the development of infrastructure, the condition of the house and the apartment itself, as well as its size;
- Contact GEOLN experts to support the transaction - so you can be sure that the sale will go through quickly and safely.