“Investor RoadMap”

GEOLN.COM presents a new project for investors - "Investor RoadMap”
Published at 13/04/2020

“Investor RoadMap” — Advices from experts and reviews of real estate on GEOLN.COM. Photo 1

GEOLN.COM launched a new project “Investor RoadMap”. This is an online channel and web platform that contains key points about investment projects in the real estate and investment market. The project has been created for those who are planning to purchase real estate for a business with a guaranteed income, for moving, for starting and conducting business activities and looking for straight answers to specific questions about finding and buying real estate. This is a project for people who need a guide on the way of exploring Georgia - a country for life, business and investment.

The Investor RoadMap project will allow the client to get the necessary information about purchasing real estate directly from the developer's sales office, as well as professional reviews of the developer's projects and answers to the most important questions when choosing real estate. “Investor RoadMap” project is for those who are smart about investing in real estate and want to dot the i's.

“Investor RoadMap” is your checklist for finding and purchasing real estate with guaranteed income, starting a business in Georgia, and a navigation map for those who consider Georgia as a country for life, business, and investment. 

IRM is your guide to the world of European Georgia. 

Summary of information 

World Citizen” is a program for those who are interested in real estate around the world, for the purpose of investment, recreation, relocation and business. The program covers all issues that interest the future owner of real estate anywhere in the world. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKFWv4liXfASrnfY-8cMrYQ 

"WWW.GEOLN.COM" is an international real estate search engine site. The best way to find and buy a verified property without intermediaries. https://geoln.com

"Investor RoadMap" is an online channel and web platform that contains key points about investment projects in the real estate and investment market.

Average rating: 4.33. Votes: 3

Diana Kabakci

The leading expert of the real estate market in Georgia
Education: MBA
Sphere: Real estate / Investments / Lawyer
Consultations made: 250
Expert on countries: Cyprus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Poland
Known languages: Russian / Georgian / English / Turkish
Experience: 17 years
Expert publications: 681