
Male Krasnany in Bratislava

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Project info

Object ID: 15218
Finished at December 2018
Price, m2 From 4100$
Housing class Comfort
Buy online Details
Installment plan
Bank mortgage
Property type Aparment building
Square from 41.50 m2
Floors 7
Building phase Completed
Condition Turnkey
Construction type Monolyth
Conveniences Parking
Kids playground
Near school
Near kindergarten
Near supermarket
Near hospital
Personal discount certificate 300$
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Apartments in Male Krasnany from 170150$
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📣 300$ — discount certificate
Personal discount certificate 300$
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About the project

Malé Krasňany sú komplexná urbanistická zelená štvrť vo výnimočnej lokalite. Vyrastajú v blízkosti prírody a pritom v kontakte s mestom.

Svojim obyvateľom poskytujú pohodlie v nadštandardne vybavených bytoch a zároveň priestor pre príjemné susedské spolunažívanie. Okolie navyše ponúka bohaté príležitosti pre aktívny oddych. Výlety do prírody uľahčí nová cyklotrasa s peším chodníkom, ktorá spája štvrť priamo s malokarpatskými lesmi. Občianska vybavenosť je v pešej dostupnosti a do centra je to autom či MHD iba 10 minút.


The Lucron specialisation is large, predominantly residential development projects and the creation of integrated urban units. We focus on b…
Details about Lucron.

Contacts of Male Krasnany sales department

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Male Krasnany on the map of Bratislava

Račianska 151, 831 54 Rača


What payment options are available in Male Krasnany?
Are there any discounts when purchasing an apartment in Male Krasnany?
How many floors are there in Male Krasnany?
What is the price per square meter in residential complex Male Krasnany?
What is the minimum price for an apartment in Male Krasnany?
What is the type of the building construction in Male Krasnany?
What kind of infrastructure is in Male Krasnany?
What building is for renting out in Male Krasnany?
When will the construction be completed?
What is the current stage of construction works?
How can I contact Male Krasnany sales department?

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