New builds in Slovakia
Location and climate
Slovakia (officially the Slovak Republic) is located in the center of Europe. It is a unitary state, a parliamentary republic. The country is landlocked. It is a member of NATO and the EU. The capital is Bratislava. The country is surrounded from the north and northeast by the mountain ranges of the Western Carpathians.
The climate is temperate continental: winters are cold and dry, and summers are warm and humid.
For the information of the investors: economics, culture, education
The country’s most developed sectors of the economy: the automotive and chemical industries, the production of electronics, and information technology. The automotive sector is one of the most dynamic, which is associated with large companies: Volkswagen, Peugeot and Kia Motors. Agriculture is based on modern technologies and provided with appropriate infrastructure. Slovakia has significant tourism potential. Here you can see medieval Gothic and Renaissance architectural monuments, atmospheric provincial villages, modern comfortable ski resorts for tourists who prefer outdoor activities in winter, picturesque views of the Lesser Carpathians, Tatras, visit mineral springs, stroll through national parks and reserves, famous for their cleanest rivers and lakes.
There are 5 international airports in Slovakia, two of them are considered the largest: in Bratislava and Kosice. Road traffic complies with European standards.
The best universities in the country are universities in Bratislava (University of Comenius, Slovak Technical, Medical, Economic universities). Bela University is in Banska Bystrica, Šafarika University is in Košice.
Slovakia is known for its diverse folklore traditions, which are characterized by national costumes, dances, and beliefs. Slovaks love to hold folklore festivals, which are attended not only by citizens of the country, but also by guests from other countries.
It is profitable to buy an apartment in Slovakia in a new build
The growth in prices for real estate in Slovakia is ahead of inflationary processes, therefore, investing in projects for the acquisition of primary real estate allows you to save and increase money in a strategically advantageous place - in the heart of Europe. Earlier, there was a slight decrease in growth rates, but it was not critical, since the end of 2020 there has been a pronounced upward trend in activity. The demand for new builds for sale in Slovakia from the developers is once again consistently high from both local and foreign investors.
Residential complexes in Slovakia are being built actively. Mortgage interest rates are low, which greatly stimulates the market. This measure "invigorates" the industry, preventing it from falling into a state of hibernation and this is an evidence of the desire of the state to help the economy and the citizens. It is advisable to buy an apartment from a developer in Slovakia in a residential complex to receive passive rental income in a new build for sale, if you do not set the task of achieving a momentary highly profitable result.
Currently, the minimum cost per square meter in a new home in Bratislava (apartments handed over in black frame condition) is 2,500 USD (according to the information of the GEOLN.COM search engine).
Acquisition of an apartment in Slovakia from a developer by foreigners
Sale of apartments from developers to foreign investors is carried out without restrictions. Foreigners can purchase apartments in new homes for sale on the territory of the Slovak Republic, regardless of the presence or absence of a residence permit.
Purchasing an apartment in a new development in Slovakia is a pragmatic investment solution, designed for the prospect of generating income in a country of dynamic development located in the center of Europe.