New builds in Germany
Location and climate
The Federal Republic of Germany is a country in Central Europe, bounded by the waters of the Baltic and North Seas. Germany is a member of the European Union, NATO, and is part of the G7.
The climate in the north is maritime, to the south it is temperate continental.
For the information of the investors: economy, culture, education in Germany
Germany does not have large natural reserves of minerals. The economy is concentrated on industrial production and services. The developed industries are mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, chemical, automobile, and shipbuilding industries. German agriculture is represented by small family farms. Production efficiency is significantly higher than the EU average. The country is the leader in Europe in terms of quality of life.
The number one issue is energy security. For several decades, disputes have continued over the feasibility of abandoning nuclear energy, the timeliness of switching to renewable energy sources capable of generating 65 percent of the country's total electricity by 2030, according to the government. Practice has shown: wind technologies, solar panels depend on the vagaries of the weather, it is difficult to ensure the stability of the supplied energy, interruptions in supply lead to an increase in tariffs. A tough discussion about the commissioning of the practically completed Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline has acquired global significance. The country needs the implementation of the project, but it is important to prevent the supplier from using the gas energy resource as a weapon of pressure in the political sphere.
The system of higher education includes more than 370 educational facilities and about 100 of them are universities, a significant number are state-owned (subsidized by the government).
Germany has made a huge contribution to world culture. The country has long traditions in the visual arts, Hans Holbein the Younger and Matthias Grunewald are famous artists of the Renaissance. Printing, woodcuts, Gothic style art of the sixteenth century are the largest German innovations. The country gave the planet brilliant composers: Beethoven, Bach, Brahms, Wagner. German literature is also known for its great authors: Goethe, Schiller, Mann, Brecht, Hesse. Germany annually hosts the Frankfurt Book Fair (the largest in the world).
Why is it profitable to buy an apartment in Germany in a new build?
In August 2021, the largest increase in real estate prices in the new builds for sale was recorded in the previous five decades. The cost of housing under construction increased by 12.6%. The last time a serious increase in prices for new builds for sale in Germany from a developer was noted by experts in November 1970.
The rise in prices for residential complexes in the new homes for sale is explained by a number of factors. Among them, it is worth noting the increased demand on the world market for wood, steel, insulating materials, an increase in their cost. Experts cite the cancellation of the temporary VAT reduction as the reason (since January 2021, the previous rates have been introduced).
At the moment, against the background of the country's emergence from the economic recession, the boom in prices for housing under construction continues, and the demand for apartments in residential complexes remains high. Over the past five years, in large cities, the cost of rent has also increased (by 20% or more), since about 60% of the population do not own a home, the number of coming is greater than those leaving.
The sale of apartments from developers in Germany provides a number of advantages:
- phased payment by installments (the risk of losses from suspension of construction is reduced);
- getting a discount when buying at the early stages of construction;
- the right to demand a forfeit for the delay in the delivery of a new development;
- high quality, which is confirmed by customer reviews;
- no need for repairs (apartments are sold with equipment, furniture, communications are in excellent condition).
According to information provided by the real estate search engine GEOLN.COM, the minimum price per square meter of an apartment in a new turnkey building in Berlin is 3700 USD.
Acquisition of apartments in Germany from the developers by foreigners
Foreign investors have the right to buy an apartment from a developer in Germany without restrictions on the same terms as the citizens of the country.
Purchasing an apartment in a new home in Germany is a pragmatic investment in a country with a strong free economy, a high standard of living, an opportunity to receive a stable income from renting out housing.
Off-plan property and other buildings in cities in Germany
in Ahrensburg
in Alsbach-Hahnlein
in Ammerbuch
in Aschaffenburg
in Aschheim
in Augsburg
in Bad Bevensen
in Bad Bramstedt
in Bad Homburg
in Bad Honnef
in Bad Liebenzell
in Bad Nauheim
in Bad Saarow
in Bad Vilbel
in Bamberg
in Barsbuttel
in Beelitz
in Beratzhausen
in Berg
in Bergisch Gladbach
in Bergkamen
in Berlin
in Bernhardswald
in Bestensee
in Bietigheim-Bissingen
in Bochum
in Bonn
in Bornheim
in Bottrop
in Breisach
in Breitnau
in Bremen
in Bremerhaven
in Burglengenfeld
in Burscheid
in Celle
in Chemnitz
in Cologne
in County of Rietberg
in Cuxhaven
in Darmstadt
in Dieterskirchen
in Dietzenbach
in Ditzingen
in Dormagen
in Dornhan
in Dorsten
in Dresden
in Duisburg
in Dusseldorf
in Elsdorf
in Erding
in Erlangen
in Erligheim
in Essen
in Ettenheim
in Falkensee
in Fehrbellin
in Feldafing
in Fellbach
in Floha
in Forchtenberg
in Frankfurt
in Fredersdorf-Vogelsdorf
in Freiburg im Breisgau
in Freising
in Furstenfeldbruck
in Furth
in Garbsen
in Gauting
in Geesthacht
in Gehrden
in Geislingen
in Gera
in Germering
in Glienicke
in Glucksburg
in Graben-Neudorf
in Grafelfing
in Greifswald
in Grossrohrsdorf
in Grunwald
in Hallbergmoos
in Halle
in Hambergen
in Hamburg
in Hamelin
in Hanau
in Hanover
in Hattersheim am Main
in Hemmingen
in Herford
in Herzogenaurach
in Heuchlingen
in Hilden
in Hofheim
in Hohen Neuendorf
in Hovelhof
in Hunfelden
in Hurth
in Idstein
in Ingolstadt
in Kappeln
in Karben
in Kelkheim
in Kenzingen
in Kiel
in Kirchdorf
in Kirchheim am Ries
in Kirchheim unter Teck
in Kirchlengern
in Kleinaitingen
in Kleinmachnow
in Kleinostheim
in Konigsfeld im Schwarzwald
in Korntal-Munchingen
in Kornwestheim
in Krefeld
in Kreuzau
in Kronberg
in Kunzelsau
in Laatzen
in Laer
in Landsberg
in Landsberg am Lech
in Langen
in Langenfeld
in Langeoog
in Lappersdorf
in Leinfelden-Echterdingen
in Leipzig
in Leonberg
in Leverkusen
in Liederbach am Taunus
in Limburg
in Lindlar
in Lochgau
in Lubeck
in Ludwigsburg
in Luneburg
in Mainz
in Mannheim
in Markranstadt
in Marl
in Meerbusch
in Metzinger
in Moers
in Monchengladbach
in Moritzburg
in Mosbach
in Munich
in Munster
in Murrhardt
in Naunhof
in Neu-Anspach
in Neufahrn bei Freising
in Gemeinde Neuhausen auf den Fildern
in Neuruppin
in Neustadt an der Donau
in Neutraubling
in Niederdorfelden
in Nittendorf
in Norderstedt
in Norvenich
in Nuremberg
in Oberasbach
in Obertraubling
in Offenbach
in Oranienburg
in Osnabruck
in Pentling
in Pforzheim
in Pirna
in Pleinfeld
in Pocking
in Potsdam
in Quickborn
in Radeberg
in Radebeul
in Rangsdorf
in Rastatt
in Ratekau
in Ratingen
in Recklinghausen
in Regensburg
in Rellingen
in Remscheid
in Remseck
in Rheinfelden
in Rodermark
in Rottach-Egern
in Saal an der Donau
in Sachsenheim
in Sankt Augustin
in Schenefeld
in Schkeuditz
in Schleswig
in Schluchtern
in Schoneck
in Schorndorf
in Schwaig
in Schwaikheim
in Schwarzenbek
in Schwelm
in Schwerin
in Sersheim
in Siegburg
in Soest
in Solingen
in Spalt
in Stadtbergen
in Stein
in Straelen
in Strasslach-Dingharting
in Stuttgart
in Teltow
in Teublitz
in Tornesch
in Traunstein
in Tubingen
in Uetersen
in Untermeitingen
in Vaterstetten
in Vetschau
in Villingen-Schwenningen
in Waldbrol
in Walsrode
in Wannweil
in Wedel
in Welzheim
in Wendelstein
in Werneuchen
in Wesseling
in Wessling
in Wiesbaden
in Willich
in Winsen
in Wunstorf
in Zossen