Moravská stavební - INVEST

Palac Trnita in Brno

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Project info

Object ID: 11745
Finished at October 2022
Price, m2 From 5200$
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Installment plan
Bank mortgage
Property type Aparment building
Square from 57.00 m2
Floors 11
Apartments 205
Condition Turnkey
Construction type Monolyth
Conveniences Parking
Kids playground
Near school
Near kindergarten
Near supermarket
Near hospital
Personal discount certificate 300$
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Apartments in Palac Trnita from 296400$
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📣 300$ — discount certificate
Personal discount certificate 300$
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About the project

Projekt Palác Trnitá vznikne na volné ploše za stávajícím Městským úřadem Šlapanice, v těsné blízkosti NC Vaňkovka. Tento polyfunkční dům v sobě skloubí rezidenční část s obchodními a kancelářskými plochami.

Projekt se skládá z rezidenční části, kterou tvoří 190 bytových jednotek s dispozicemi 1 + kk až 4 + kk a dvou administrativních částí, jejichž celková podlahová plocha činí cca 15.000 m². V parteru jsou dále umístěny retailové plochy.

Parkování je zajištěno ve 2 podzemních podlažích a 1 nadzemním podlaží, kde naleznete celkem 453 garážových stání.


You dream of a home; we have already built it We are a modern and expanding company that has been operating on the Czech market since 1998.…
Details about Moravská stavební - INVEST

Contacts of Palac Trnita sales department

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Palac Trnita on the map of Brno

Brno, Trnitá


What payment options are available in Palac Trnita?
Are there any discounts when purchasing an apartment in Palac Trnita?
How many floors are there in Palac Trnita?
What is the price per square meter in residential complex Palac Trnita?
What is the minimum price for an apartment in Palac Trnita?
What is the type of the building construction in Palac Trnita?
What kind of infrastructure is in Palac Trnita?
What building is for renting out in Palac Trnita?
When will the construction be completed?
How can I contact Palac Trnita sales department?