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Found 4 object(s)

Azelya Konutlari
Azelya Konutlari
From 510$ / m2
ID: 5718 | 5 floors
Kotan Opsus Konutlari
Kotan Opsus Konutlari
From 600$ / m2
ID: 5717 | 5 floors
Kotan Riva Konutlari
Kotan Riva Konutlari
From 590$ / m2
ID: 5715 | 4 floors
Kotan Delux
Kotan Delux
From 690$ / m2
ID: 5713 | 4 floors

Prices for apartments in new builds in the Republic district (current as of March 2025)

Object Price
Kotan Riva Konutlari 56050$
Azelya Konutlari 48450$
Kotan Delux 93150$