Found 26 object(s)

Real estate in new builds from developers of Izmit

Mahal Kartepe
Mahal Kartepe
From 771$ / m2
ID: 17014
Esil Kartepe
Esil Kartepe
From 794$ / m2
ID: 16922 | 6 floors
Effect Kartepe
Effect Kartepe
From 947$ / m2
ID: 16920 | 3 floors
Univa Kocaeli
Univa Kocaeli
From 700$ / m2
ID: 6335 | 6 floors
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Izmit. Hot real estate deals

Metropolitan Grey Effect
Metropolitan Grey Effect
From 600$ / m2
ID: 5457 | 4 floors
From 1430$ / m2
ID: 4759 | 28 floors

Real estate prices in Izmit

DistrictPrice from
Kabaoglu 700$ / m2
Kocatepe 480$ / m2
Pasadag 600$ / m2
Yenisehir District 370$ / m2
Yesilyurt 360$ / m2
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Average rating: 4.02. Votes: 453


Is it possible to buy real estate in Izmit remotely?
Can citizens of other countries buy real estate in Izmit?
Is installment plan available for buying real estate in Izmit?