New builds in Lithuania
Location and climate
Lithuania (officially the Republic of Lithuania) is a country located in northern Europe, on the eastern coast of the Baltic Sea. It is a member of the UN, European Union, and NATO; it is included in the Schengen area and the Eurozone.
The climate is moderately mild: from maritime on the coast to continental in the eastern regions. The average temperature closer to the coast is 2°C in January, +18°C in July.
For the information of the investors: economics, culture, education
Lithuania has the largest economy among the Baltic countries. The per capita income level is high here. Following industries are developed: dairy, chemical, woodworking, automotive, engineering, pharmaceuticals, medical equipment production, and advanced laser technologies. Lithuania hosts many of the largest IT companies: Microsoft, IBM and others. The financial sector is focused mainly on the domestic market. Lithuania also aims to become a center for providing services in the field of consulting, finance and logistics.
There are about 20 professional theaters in the country, and the Studio of Chronicle and Documentary Films was founded in Kaunas. Musical culture in its melodic structure is related to Latvian, Belarusian, and Ukrainian folklore.
There are 14 public and 8 private universities, There are about 7 thousand foreign students from 100 countries of the world, and the number of applicants from abroad is only increasing. The most popular areas in education are medicine, biotechnology, information systems, engineering, art and architecture.
Why is it profitable to buy an apartment in Lithuania in a new build?
Lithuanian real estate prices in the new builds for sale continue to grow, as does demand. The increase in the cost per square meter of space in a new home in Lithuania from the developer is due to a number of factors: an increase in the price of building materials and labor, a shortage of wood, a lack of “free” land for residential complexes in Lithuania, and others.
The sale of apartments from developers is carried out in accordance with the law; the quality meets the standards, which is confirmed by the feedback from buyers of apartments in the residential complexes, the presence of infrastructure near the facility under construction is provided.
The minimum price per square meter of space in a new home for sale transferred to the buyer in a turnkey condition in Vilnius (according to the information of the GEOLN.COM search engine) is 920 USD.
Acquisition of apartments in Lithuania from the developers by foreign citizens
The country has not established any restrictions on the purchase of the apartments by foreigners. Foreign investors can freely buy apartments from the developers in Lithuania in all Lithuanian regions.
Purchasing an apartment in a new development in Lithuania is a profitable investment that allows you to receive a consistently high rental income, given that a large number of tourists, students, and labor migrants come to the country, meanwhile making it possible to live in an EU country with a high level of economy and income.