Users also search for the map of new builds in the following cities in Azerbaijan

Khirdalan Masazir Sumqayit

Prices per sq. m. in popular districts of Baku

DistrictPrice from
Gharachukhur 530$ / m2
Keshla 310$ / m2
Khatai 590$ / m2
Montin 710$ / m2
Rasulzade 530$ / m2

Prices for new builds near metro stations in Baku

MetroPrice from
28-may-subway 710$ / m2
Gənclik 590$ / m2
Nizami Gəncəvi 740$ / m2
Sahil 760$ / m2
İçərişəhər 760$ / m2
Information prepared by real estate expert in Baku - Diana Kabakci
How useful was this information:
Average rating: 4.05. Votes: 426


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