New builds in Sweden
Location and climate
Sweden (Kingdom of Sweden) is a country located in the northern part of Europe, on the Scandinavian Peninsula, by the waters of the Baltic Sea. The capital is Stockholm. Sweden's sovereignty extends to two islands in the Baltic Sea - Gotland, Öland.
The climate is classified as temperate due to the Gulf Stream. The average temperature in January is minus 14°C, in summer the average temperature is +17°C.
For the information of the investors: economics, culture, and education
The economy is characterized by diversification and competitiveness. This country is one of the most reliable and convenient partners. Innovations are supported here, infrastructure is being modernized, highly educated personnel speak different languages, primarily English. Sweden is particularly advanced in the development of digital technologies and telecommunications, an example of success is Skype. Not in the richest parts of the country, the share of GDP per person is higher than the European average.
The Swedish economy consists mainly of the service sector, to a lesser extent - the industrial segment, and quite a bit - agriculture. The following are exported: engineering, automotive products, electronics, petrochemical and pharmaceutical products. The main factors contributing to the growth of the economy: investments in the construction sector, innovative developments in the field of IT technologies.
Culture and traditions were formed under the influence of paganism and Christianity. In the field of literature, the work of the children's writer Astrid Lindgren is remarkable. A contribution to the world culture of Swedish music is the musical band ABBA. Bergman's films have become world famous.
There are more than thirty higher educational institutions in the country (about a third of them are universities).
Why is it profitable to buy an apartment in Sweden in a new build?
The country is distinguished by stability and security. The sale of apartments from developers here is a transparent procedure that takes a little time.
Real estate in Sweden in the new builds for sale has the following advantages:
- well-equipped apartments with necessary furniture and household appliances,
- modern design and European quality of construction,
- high environmental friendliness of the surrounding area,
- availability of central heating,
- lack of corruption,
- Possibility of subsequent lease.
Inexpensive real estate in Sweden is not represented in large numbers in the primary market. The state limits the volume of construction of residential complexes, taking care of the environment, so the demand for new residential complexes in Sweden always outstrips supply, and the cost of residential properties in new builds for sale is high, so investing in primary real estate is promising. It is possible to buy an apartment from a developer in Sweden with a mortgage, while being subject to providing the bank with information about a sufficient level of income. The investor will have to prove the stability of profits over the past few years, and the first mortgage payment must be at least fifteen percent of the value of the apartment.
In accordance with the information of the GEOLN.COM search engine, the minimum price per square meter of space in an apartment in a new home of Stockholm, (apartment handed over to the buyer in a turnkey condition) is 3,100 USD.
Acquisition of apartments in Sweden from the developers by foreigners
Foreign investors can buy apartments in the new homes for sale in Sweden without restrictions.
Purchasing an apartment in a new development in Sweden is a profitable investment for renting out in a country with one of the best innovative economies and environmentally friendly nature.
Off-plan property and other buildings in cities in Sweden
in Akersberga
in Alingsas
in Alvdalen
in Anderslov
in Angelholm
in Are
in Arla
in Arlov
in Askersund
in Astorp
in Balsta
in Barkarby
in Bastad
in Boo
in Boras
in Borlange
in Botkyrka
in Brastad
in Danderyd
in Donso
in Ekangen
in Enkoping
in Ervalla
in Eskilstuna
in Eslov
in Everod
in Falkenberg
in Falun
in Filipstad
in Finspang
in Flen
in Forslov
in Gamleby
in Gantofta
in Gavle
in Gnosjo
in Gothenburg
in Grabo
in Gyttorp
in Habo
in Hallsberg
in Hallstavik
in Halmstad
in Hammarby
in Hammaro
in Haninge
in Harjedalen
in Hassleholm
in Hedemora
in Helsingborg
in Hjarup
in Hjorted
in Hoganas
in Holmsund
in Hono
in Hovas
in Huddinge
in Jakobsberg
in Jarbo
in Jonkoping
in Kalmar
in Kareby
in Karlskoga
in Karlstad
in Knivsta
in Koping
in Kristianstad
in Kumla
in Kungalv
in Kungsangen
in Lackeby
in Laholm
in Lammhult
in Landskrona
in Lindesberg
in Lingbo
in Linkoping
in Ljungbyholm
in Ljustero
in Loftahammar
in Lomma
in Lund
in Lysekil
in Malmo
in Mariefred
in Mariehamn
in Marsta
in Molndal
in Molnlycke
in Morbylanga
in Motala
in Mullsjo
in Munka-Ljungby
in Nacka
in Norrkoping
in Norrtalje
in Nybro
in Nyhamnslage
in Nykoping
in Nykvarn
in Ockelbo
in Ockero
in Odakra
in Ojersjo
in Orebro
in Oskarshamn
in Osteraker
in Osthammar
in Oxelosund
in Paarp
in Partille
in Pitea
in Rangedala
in Rimbo
in Ringarum
in Rosersberg
in Rydeback
in Sala
in Saltsjobaden
in Sandviken
in Savedalen
in Segeltorp
in Sigtuna
in Simrishamn
in Skogas
in Skovde
in Skurup
in Soderkoping
in Sodertalje
in Sollentuna
in Solna
in Sorunda
in Staffanstorp
in Staket
in Stallarholmen
in Steninge
in Stockholm
in Storvik
in Storvreta
in Strangnas
in Stromstad
in Styrso
in Sundsvall
in Svarte
in Svartinge
in Svartsjo
in Taby
in Tollarp
in Tomelilla
in Torsaker
in Trangsund
in Trelleborg
in Trollhattan
in Trosa
in Tygelsjo
in Tyreso
in Uddevalla
in Umea
in Uppsala
in Vaggeryd
in Vallakra
in Vallentuna
in Vanersborg
in Varberg
in Varby
in Varnamo
in Vasteras
in Vastervik
in Vaxholm
in Vaxjo
in Veinge
in Vellinge
in Vikbolandet
in Vikingstad
in Vinslov