Gazit in Israel: property from developer
Objects for sale

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That. Gazit is a dedicated entrepreneurial company specializing in TAMA 38, reinforcement and improvement of buildings.
The company's owners are highly knowledgeable and experienced in construction, engineering, renovation and strengthening of buildings, as well as many years of engineering education, including certification as certified safety consultants and work managers.
All projects are managed and executed by the company's owners, managers and employees and are not delivered to other companies, thus ensuring high construction quality while ensuring all details and shortening the duration of construction. The company and its managers have a proven ability to advance and execute the projects in less than usual planning and execution stages. This is to facilitate, as much as possible, the tenants living in a building / project undergoing improvement and reinforcement - (TAMA 38). All this with maximum emphasis on the finishing and high performance of the building improvement and its strengthening in accordance with the strict standard, the Planning and Building Law and its regulations which are controlled by an independent external laboratory such as the "Israeli Standards Institute" and / or "Isotope" etc. The company is focused on providing Addressing the growing need for property owners in Israel to turn their home from a risky building into a safe one, taking advantage of the opportunity given to upgrade and improving their assets without any financial expense from them under the Tama 38. The company has a professional workforce including experienced engineers, experienced managers, tenant architecture engineers and Skilled workgroups in many areas required to perform the bull And projects.
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