Averon in Spain: property from developer
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AVERON is a new attitude when it comes to offering real estate services. The brand of Aliseda Inmobiliaria Servicios de Gestión Inmobiliarios, S.L. to meet needs in the Promotion of Properties. We fully manage real estate development projects, accessing the best plots, developing innovative actions with criteria endorsed by professionals in the sector with extensive experience, and selling the resulting properties, from the knowledge and network of one of the main commercial servicers within the current real estate market. We have national coverage, through the central office located in Madrid and eight territorial offices that cover the entire national territory: Galicia, Asturias-Castilla y León, Aragón-Cantabria-La Rioja-Navarra-Basque Country, Catalonia-Baleare, Madrid- Castilla La Mancha-Canarias, Com. Valenciana-Murcia, Extremadura and Andalusia.
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