Balfin Group


Bewertungen zu ROLLING HILLS 2

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Beschreibung des Neubaus

ID des Objekts: 20470
Ende des Baus Mai 2023
Preis, m2 von 2350$
Wohnklasse Kompfort
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Ratenzahlung vom Bauträger
Hypothek von der Bank
Typ des Hauses Wohnhaus
Fläche von 337,00 m2
Stockwerke 3
Wohnungen 153
Zustand schlüsselfertig
Konstruktionstyp Monolith
Bequemlichkeiten Parkplatz
In der Nähe der Schule
In der Nähe des Kindergartens
In der Nähe des Supermarktes
In der Nähe des Krankenhauses
persönliches Zertifikat für Rabatt 300$
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Promos und Rabatte für ROLLING HILLS 2

Der Verkauf in ROLLING HILLS 2 hat begonnen!
Wohnungen in ROLLING HILLS 2 von 791950$
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📣 300$ — zertifikatsrabatt
persönliches Zertifikat für Rabatt 300$
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über das Projekt

Individual villa for sale at a bargain price at "Rolling Hills" 2 is one of the newest complexes of elegant and stylish villas, a continuation of the success of "Rolling Hills" 1 which will offer an architecture perfectly combined with the natural beauties around. “Rolling Hills” 2 lies among the greenery of Lundra hills only 8 km from "Skënderbej" Square, away from the noise of the city, which guarantees you a healthy, comfortable, and quite quiet living. The area is developed with residential villa complexes such as "Rolling Hills" 1 Residence, "Long Hills" residence, very close to Tirana East Gate, "Tirana International School", "World Academy", 9-year school "Kings Tirana" and with access easy with picturesque surrounding villages.

"Rolling Hills" Residence will offer stunning spaces and views of the surrounding area, very good orientation with the aim of maximum use of natural light, a project with the reinforced concrete structure to withstand earthquakes up to 9 points, high-quality construction and decorated facade is realized with a hood system for thermal insulation, very low density of construction which leaves room for ample green spaces, parking space for 2 vehicles and opportunities for the personal pool, recreation park and playground for children. The selected community of residents, greenery, privacy, and tranquility. Fenced residence, maximum security with surveillance of the entire space 24/7. Also offered civil works up to the carbines of a swimming pool with dimensions length 9 width 4 and depth 3 m. The investment and realization of the villa are being realized by Balfin Group, one of the most professional and serious companies in Albania. 100% safe investment with an added value over time.

Individual villa for sale 2 floors + basement with total construction area 337.2 m2 + yard 572 m2, parking for 2 cars. The basement offers toilet, technical room, laundry, bedroom, living room and covered veranda. The ground floor offers living + dining area, separate kitchen, toilet with window and veranda. The first floor offers matrimonial room + wardrobe + toilet + covered veranda, 2 bedrooms and toilet with window.


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Kontakte der Verkaufsabteilung von ROLLING HILLS 2


+1 610 244 8514

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Tirana, Albania


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