M Group Development

Dream Town in Iwano-Frankiwsk

Bewertungen zu Dream Town

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Beschreibung des Neubaus

ID des Objekts: 1129
Ende des Baus Dezember 2021
Preis, m2 von 445$
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Ratenzahlung vom Bauträger Рассрочка: до декабря 2021 1-й взнос: 30%
Hypothek von der Bank
Typ des Hauses Wohnhaus
Fläche von 43,00 m2
Stockwerke 24
Bauphase Baugrube
Zustand belagsfertig
Deckenhöhe 2,75 M.
Konstruktionstyp Ziegel
Bequemlichkeiten Parkplatz
In der Nähe der Schule
In der Nähe des Kindergartens
In der Nähe des Supermarktes
persönliches Zertifikat für Rabatt 300$
eine kostenlose Rechtsberatung Frage stellen

Promos und Rabatte für Dream Town

Der Verkauf in Dream Town hat begonnen!
Wohnungen in Dream Town von 19135$
Um uns zu kontaktieren →
📣 300$ — zertifikatsrabatt
persönliches Zertifikat für Rabatt 300$
Um uns zu kontaktieren →

über das Projekt

This project has gathered around him as a mass of fans, and a large number of opponents. The main feature of the Dream Town residential complex is its location. The property is located next to the railway junction, the forecourt market, two shopping centers, service stations and social infrastructure. Literally at hand investors will find kindergartens and schools, various shops and useful household objects. Central Avenue is literally 5 minutes on foot, and the green area and the stadium can be reached in just 15 minutes. A significant minus of the Dream Town residential complex is the proximity of the railway and a large number of cars in the area. The property will not have a closed guarded courtyard. Not the best view of Lutsk from the apartments on the upper floors, and the abundance of people in the district can become a barrier to a measured family life. To buy an apartment in the Dream Town residential complex from the developer, they offer a rough repair, installed batteries and a warmed external facade. It is provided for autonomous heating from its own boiler room, as well as connecting real estate to city communications. Each apartment has a reliable metal door, so investors can immediately begin repairs. The developer has prepared a plan thought out to the smallest detail. The area of ​​apartments varies from 38.5 to 98.6 m2. The housing stock includes 1-3-room options with glazed loggias, large kitchens and separate bathrooms. At the same time, some layouts of one-room facilities provide a place for a dressing room. Apartments for sale in LCD Dream Town through the official website. You can leave a request for inspection of real estate online, by phone or email. The portal has all the necessary information about the house and the developer....


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Kontakte der Verkaufsabteilung von Dream Town


+380 914 818 816

Buchen Sie einen kostenlosen Transfer zu Dream Town

auf der karte

st. Eugenya Konovaltsa / st. Stepan Bandera, Maisley


Wann werden die Bauarbeiten abgeschlossen sein?
Wie lauten die Ratenzahlungsbedingungen?
Wie ist der derzeitige Stand der Bauarbeiten?
Wie hoch sind die Obergrenzen?
Wie kann ich die Dream Town-Verkaufsabteilung kontaktieren?

Andere Objekte in der Nähe, Iwano-Frankiwsk