Unique в Вроцлаві

Опис об'єкту

ID об'єкта: 24650
Тип об'єкту Апартаменти
Площа 57.24 м2
Кількість спалень 2
Ціна 125613$
Покупка онлайн
Поверх 1
Стан Новий ремонт
Мебльована Ні
Є побутова техніка Ні
Стан будівлі Новобудова
Спосіб опалення Центральне


I invite you to familiarize yourself with the offer of a unique apartment located in the Krzyki district on Nefrytowa Street.
The investment is located in a quiet and peaceful area. Nearby, numerous green and recreational areas as well as extensive service and commercial facilities. Convenient transport connections, bus stop just 400m from the building, close to the eastern ring road of Wrocław.
The building has 24 apartments located on two floors.
The offered apartment is located on the first floor. Its area is 57.24 m2. This is the last 3-room apartment still available in this investment. Perfect for a family with children.

Гаряча лінія

+48 226 022 300

на карті


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Інші об'єкти поруч, Вроцлав