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Found 11 object(s)

microdistrict 21, railway number 1
microdistrict 21, railway number 1
Gomel, Belarus
From 550$ / m2
ID: 13775 | 18 floors
microdistrict 104, railway number 39
microdistrict 104, railway number 39
Gomel, Belarus
From 545$ / m2
ID: 13774 | 16 floors
Railway on the street Dokutovich
Railway on the street Dokutovich
Gomel, Belarus
From 584$ / m2
ID: 13773 | 10 floors
Railway 34 in microdistrict 59
Railway 34 in microdistrict 59
Gomel, Belarus
From 563$ / m2
ID: 13772 | 10 floors
Railway on the street Chkalova
Railway on the street Chkalova
Gomel, Belarus
From 534$ / m2
ID: 13745 | 10 floors
On Dokutovich Street
On Dokutovich Street
Gomel, Belarus
From 575$ / m2
ID: 13744 | 11 floors
Railway station on the street Volotovskaya, 11 in Gomel
Railway station on the street Volotovskaya, 11 in Gomel
Gomel, Belarus
From 700$ / m2
ID: 681 | 12 floors
mkrn 59, railway number 33 in Gomel
mkrn 59, railway number 33 in Gomel
Gomel, Belarus
From 641$ / m2
ID: 680 | 10 floors
microdistrict 104, railway number 39 in Gomel
microdistrict 104, railway number 39 in Gomel
Gomel, Belarus
From 571$ / m2
ID: 679 | 16 floors
Microdistrict No. 94-96, Railway No. 56 (according to the general plan)
Microdistrict No. 94-96, Railway No. 56 (according to the general plan)
Gomel, Belarus
From 557$ / m2
ID: 678 | 16 floors
ул. Федюнинского, ЖД №10 (по генплану)
ул. Федюнинского, ЖД №10 (по генплану)
Gomel, Belarus
From 410$ / m2
ID: 677 | 11 floors

الأسعار لكل متر مربع. في الأحياء الشعبية في Gomel

يصرفPrice from
17th microdistrict 700$ / m2
59th microdistrict 641$ / m2
Khima-2 microdistrict 571$ / m2
Navabielicki District 557$ / m2
Novaya zhizn 410$ / m2
معلومات أعدها خبير عقاري في Gomel - Diana Kabakci
ما مدى فائدة وكانت هذه المعلومات:
متوسط تقييم: 4.02. الأصوات: 453