YorkTowers en Georgia: propiedad del desarrollador

Objetos a la venta: 4
Precios desde: 800$/m2

Fuera de los planes en la mapa


Brindar un alto nivel de servicio a nuestros clientes es lo que nos impulsa. Es por eso que York Towers es una empresa de desarrollo internacional de rápido crecimiento. En 5 años hemos podido involucrar a muchos inversores de Europa y Oriente Medio en nuestros proyectos. Además del desarrollo inmobiliario, proporcionamos sus sistemas de gestión, lo que mejora la calidad de la inversión. El concepto principal de tus proyectos es crear asentamientos ultramodernos, nuevos barrios, donde cumplirás con los materiales de construcción de los estándares europeos y las más altas tecnologías para su implementación.


Mohammed Shuaib

idioma original: Inglés

I have took a studio from them and until now They did not transfer on my name as you know the last review was from me and then the owner of Yorktowers replies on my Review saying contact the Customer Care me myself How to take a flight to Tbilisi went to their office, sat with the Customer Care agent and they told me within three days. We will start your procedure for the refund and all these things. And there was another guy saying that we will deduct 30% as per the contract and as per the contract, Yorktowers never did anything And I came back to my country and now it’s been more than a week. I am trying to get in touch with Customer Care or anyone from Yorktowers, but I am getting no response. They are just cutting the line on my face there is zero trust remaining in your tower. I would never suggest anyone to do any type of business with them.

Евгения Гришина

idioma original: ruso

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