Dolce Vita Harrachov Apartments s.r.o.

domov v Harrachove in Harrachov

Bewertungen zu domov v Harrachove

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Beschreibung des Neubaus

ID des Objekts: 11846
Ende des Baus Februar 2020
Preis, m2 von 4500$
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Ratenzahlung vom Bauträger
Hypothek von der Bank
Typ des Hauses Wohnhaus
Fläche von 42,80 m2
Stockwerke 3
Bauphase fertig
Zustand schlüsselfertig
Konstruktionstyp Monolith
Bequemlichkeiten Parkplatz
In der Nähe der Schule
In der Nähe des Kindergartens
In der Nähe des Supermarktes
Hinzufügen zu einer kostenlosen Immobilientour tour
Zu dem kostenlosen Autotour für Neubauten hinzufügen
persönliches Zertifikat für Rabatt 300$
eine kostenlose Rechtsberatung Frage stellen
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Promos und Rabatte für domov v Harrachove

Der Verkauf in domov v Harrachove hat begonnen!
Wohnungen in domov v Harrachove von 192600$
Um uns zu kontaktieren →
📣 300$ — zertifikatsrabatt
persönliches Zertifikat für Rabatt 300$
Um uns zu kontaktieren →

über das Projekt

The architectural solution fully respects the site, including its history, and sensitively places the project in the existing environment. Nevertheless, it is a modern building that offers everything that current technical solutions allow. On the one hand, energy efficiency and respect for the environment, as well as technologically advanced facilities and infrastructure. Of course, the design is of a high standard using quality materials.

Harrachov is a traditional Czech center of both winter and summer, especially sports activities. Despite the rapid development of recent years, as one of the few of our resorts, it has preserved its original mountain atmosphere and has not only become a posh place for a narrow group of people. Here you will find not only the perfect background for various sports activities, but also countless possibilities for a pleasant sitting, including gastronomic experiences. And if you succumb to the shopping spree, there are many options where you can fulfill your desires.


+1 855 588 8066

Buchen Sie einen kostenlosen Transfer zu domov v Harrachove

auf der karte

512 46 Harrachov, Czechia


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