
Parkovi pomestie in Iwano-Frankiwsk

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Beschreibung des Neubaus

ID des Objekts: 1140
Ende des Baus Juni 2020
Preis, m2 von 395$
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Ratenzahlung vom Bauträger Рассрочка: 24 мес 1-й взнос: 30%
Hypothek von der Bank
Typ des Hauses Wohnhaus
Fläche von 40,00 m2
Stockwerke 9
Wohnungen 170
Bauphase die Karkasse ist errichtet
Zustand belagsfertig
Deckenhöhe 2,80 M.
Konstruktionstyp Ziegel
Bequemlichkeiten Parkplatz
In der Nähe der Schule
In der Nähe des Kindergartens
In der Nähe des Supermarktes
Hinzufügen zu einer kostenlosen Immobilientour tour
Zu dem kostenlosen Autotour für Neubauten hinzufügen
persönliches Zertifikat für Rabatt 300$
eine kostenlose Rechtsberatung Frage stellen
Amortisationstabelle öffnen

Promos und Rabatte für Parkovi pomestie

Der Verkauf in Parkovi pomestie hat begonnen!
Wohnungen in Parkovi pomestie von 15800$
Um uns zu kontaktieren →
📣 300$ — zertifikatsrabatt
persönliches Zertifikat für Rabatt 300$
Um uns zu kontaktieren →

über das Projekt

The Parkovy Matok residential complex is a comfort class property in a place with convenient transport interchange and infrastructure. The project is being built in Ivano-Frankivsk on the street. Vyacheslav Chernovol, 155, attracting attention with the low price of one square of the area and the layout of the apartments. The house is for rent with rough finish due to which the cost of housing is reduced, and there is also no closed area. However, the developer implements an underground parking here, heats the walls with polystyrene foam and installs individual heating boilers in the building. The architectural composition of the LCD is close to European and American style: neutral colors of the facade, panoramic balconies and a roof attic. The ceiling height in the new building will be 2.8 meters, which is enough for experiments with home decoration. You can buy an apartment in the LCD Parkovy Mat from the developer in several layouts with 1, 2 or 3 rooms. The space is used functionally without unnecessary niches or ill-conceived corners. This will appeal to connoisseurs of smart-planning, who value comfort and coziness. The building of 4 sections stands a little further than the noisy streets of the city, so the courtyard is always quiet and calm. At the same time, the new building is not removed from civilization: there are public transport stops, cafes, pharmacies, supermarkets, shopping centers, a bakery, a post office and schools nearby. Young residents, retirees or family people do not have to go far from home to solve everyday problems. If you are interested in the sale of apartments Parkovy Matok LCD, contact the managers on the official website or in the office of Ivano-Frankivskgorstroy. The developer does not hide information from buyers, shares housing plans, news on the progress of construction, stocks.


Seit 2003 entwickelt sich Ivano-Frankivskgorstroy LLC aktiv auf dem Baumarkt von Ivano-Frankivsk und der Region. Wir bauen Mehrfamilienhäuse…
mehr Informationen über Ивано-Франковскгорстрой

Kontakte der Verkaufsabteilung von Parkovi pomestie


+380 914 818 816

Buchen Sie einen kostenlosen Transfer zu Parkovi pomestie

auf der karte

st. Chernovola, 155, Town


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