
Town Kazackoe in Iwano-Frankiwsk

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Beschreibung des Neubaus

ID des Objekts: 1079
Ende des Baus Juni 2021
Preis, m2 von 470$
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Ratenzahlung vom Bauträger Рассрочка: 36 мес 1-й взнос: 30%
Hypothek von der Bank
Typ des Hauses Wohnhaus
Fläche von 41,00 m2
Stockwerke 10
Wohnungen 130
Bauphase die Karkasse ist errichtet
Zustand belagsfertig
Konstruktionstyp Ziegel
Bequemlichkeiten Parkplatz
In der Nähe der Schule
In der Nähe des Kindergartens
In der Nähe des Supermarktes
In der Nähe des Krankenhauses
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Zu dem kostenlosen Autotour für Neubauten hinzufügen
persönliches Zertifikat für Rabatt 300$
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Promos und Rabatte für Town Kazackoe

Der Verkauf in Town Kazackoe hat begonnen!
Wohnungen in Town Kazackoe von 19270$
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📣 300$ — zertifikatsrabatt
persönliches Zertifikat für Rabatt 300$
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über das Projekt

The idea of ​​the Mistechko Kozatske residential complex is to create a fully-fledged microdistrict with its own infrastructure: a kindergarten, a shopping center and a sports complex. Five residential quarters of the complex are decorated in a single "Cossack" style, ranging from the color scheme and ornaments on the facades to the design of children's playgrounds. For example, in the courtyard will be installed the famous "boat-gulls" equipped for children, on the prototypes of which Cossacks rafted along the Dnieper, Black and Azov Seas.


The residential complex "Mistechko Kozatske" is located on the outskirts of the city, a 2-minute drive from a major traffic intersection at the intersection of Alexander Dovzhenko and Getman Mazepa streets with the H-09 Mukachevo - Ivano-Frankivsk - Lviv highway. Rynok Square can be reached by car in 15 minutes, the airport in 5 minutes, and the train station in 10 minutes.

In the built-up area there are shops, cafes, postal and bank branches, a bakery, gas stations, a car wash, pharmacies, kindergartens and schools. The town will have its own shopping center. Residents of the microdistrict will also be able to buy products near the house in the Zaravshan, Okolitsa, Palmira, Silpo supermarket or Velmart hypermarket, which is 5 minutes away by car. For eco-friendly products, the central market of the city can be reached by car in 10 minutes.

The project of the complex provides for the construction of its own kindergarten, and city kindergartens No. 23 and No. 29 are located a 3-minute drive away. For students within walking distance of school number 9 and number 28, to schools number 4, number 21 and school-lyceum number 23 by car for 5-7 minutes. Also in the area of ​​the new building there are a medical college, a college of technology and business, a college of physical education and the Carpathian National University named after V. Stefanika.

For sports enthusiasts, the town will have its own sports complex, and in the summer, a city lake with a basketball court and an outdoor pool is a 4-minute drive from the house. It will take as much time to get from the complex to the city park named after T. G. Shevchenko with a children's amusement park "Gorynych" and a rope park.


view apartments with energy-efficient panoramic windows and balconies

the possibility of redevelopment of the apartment under construction

autonomous apartment heating

storage rooms for strollers and bicycles

underground parking under each house of the complex

closed courtyard near each house with the concept of “a courtyard without cars and outsiders”

solar energy will be used to illuminate the local area....


Vertical wurde 2010 als Unternehmen registriert, das Bauprojekte umsetzt. Vertreter der Organisation betrachten das Hauptziel - die Schaffun…
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Kontakte der Verkaufsabteilung von Town Kazackoe


+380 914 818 816

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auf der karte

st. Fizkulturnaya 27, Town


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Andere Objekte in der Nähe, Iwano-Frankiwsk